TUBÀ imagines and facilitates the development of the city of tomorrow with a diversity of actors (researchers, local authority, companies, the general public, etc.) by relying on digital cultures and data potential.
Carried by the organisation Lyon Urban Data, TUBÀ gathers more than 40 public and private members and uses methodologies at the crossroads of design and social sciences. The goal is to think and work in collaborative way with people.
the PLACE to meet, work and test
Considered as a “third place”, it helps foster connections between these actors and facilitates the launch of projects. It has several workspaces, including a coworking space housing a dozen startups, closed offices housing a dozen structures (organisations, cluster, metropolis services, private company, etc.) as well as a free coworking area open to all.
It is also a space for urban and digital education and events.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (except Friday 5 pm) – Free entrance.
TUBÀ collaborates with other places of innovation and promotes the connection between startups, VSBs, SMEs, major companies, research laboratories, local authorities, and organisations to respond to concrete users needs through the co-design, development, and experimentation of innovative services. Broad themes related to the urban life can be dealt with, from mobility to energy, housing, industry and well being.
Eureka Club – Citizen Projects on the Confluence District
Summary: EurekaClub is a participative approach allowing the inhabitants and idea bearers to develop their project on the Confluence district on 2 themes: well being in the city and Circular Economy. Elaborated and moderated by TUBÀ, Eureka Club have been articulated around a call to project which received more than 50 applications. The projects could be submitted by all the inhabitants if they fell under the following topics: Food and short circuits; Selective sorting and waste recovery; The social bond.
3 winners have been selected then supported in their deployment on the territory.
Bearers: SPL Lyon Confluence, Consortium Eureka Confluence
Partners: Grand Lyon
Results: Establishment of 2 organization on the territory : a third place dedicated to reuse of used materials and a demonstrative third place on the theme of energy.
Website: Eureka-Club
BAT- BizArTech
Summary: BizArTech is a collaborative innovation project born from the meeting between Erasme (public innovation laboratory of the Metropole of Lyon), Mirage Festival (digital art festival in Lyon) and TUBÀ. The objective is to involve artists and company employees, public sector employees and organisations representatives around societal issues to bring new “food” for thought and answers. By crossing the world of digital artists and the world of the industry, it allows companies to get a disruptive look at technologies and artists to play on new fields.
Bearers: TUBA, Erasme, Mirage Festival
Partners: Grand Lyon, EDF, Enedis, Veolia, GRDF, Feder
Results: Creation of 4 mediation works
Website: BizArTech
TIGA – Industry integrated and (re)connected to its territory and its inhabitants: Think and do Tank
Summary: TUBÀ is a co-bearer of the Think and Do Tank action of the “TIGA” (a public project from the national program PIA) which aims to offer innovative tools for a better interaction between the regional industry and the people. In other words, within a 3-years horizon, to detect, prototype, test and enhance innovative methods for industry education as well as to identify scientific locks and offer innovative solutions (material and digital supports) to facilitate relations between all the actors and improve employment.
Bearers: University of Lyon, Grand Lyon, TUBA
Partners: IMU, UrbaLyon, Laboratoire ERIC
Results: in progress
TUBÀ co-designs, prototypes and tests urban digital services with their end-users. In a multidisciplinary, collaborative and participatory approach, the goal is to guarantee the usefulness and interest of new services or products before their deployment on the territory.
Trabool – Monitoring and test of the urban pass
Summary: The Trabool Pass is the merging into a single Pass of the subscription cards of several actors of mobility and culture in Lyon. To create a service as close as possible to the expectations of Grand Lyon users, the Metropole and its partners have set up a large-scale experimental approach. For one year, user-testers were invited to collect their new card at TUBA and to take part in the development of this new service.
Bearers: Grand Lyon
Partners: TCL Sytral, Velo’v, LPA, OL, Only Lyon, Ludgdunum
Results: in process
Website: Trabool
5G – Survey on the 5G demands in train stations
Summary: TUBÀ has carried out an exploratory study on 5G and its potential. A multitude of problems that can be solved by 5G has been identified with SNCF agents and passengers. Several workshops enabled users to create their ideal solutions, for which the specifications were submitted to the SNCF. Ultimately, 3 solutions co-built by passengers were designed and presented in the form of specifications to the SNCF.
Bearers: SNCF
Results: 3 prototypes
iGirouette – Smart wayfinding communication test
Summary: iGirouette is a digital signage device which aims to disseminate information about a neighbourhood, a mall, a factory area, an hospital or a convention center. It has been tested in the Confluence district since 2017.
Wishing to offer new services to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and users of public spaces, the Metropole of Lyon has created a partnership with the company Charvet Digital Média. The aim was to test the relevance of this furniture in the local context and challenges (how to encourage people to use local transportation, how to help people to find their way on a building site etc.) The Metropole of Lyon called on TUBÀ to carry out an exploratory study of perceptions and uses of iGirouette. The aim of this studyfield was to find out how iGirouette is perceived by inhabitants in the Perrache-Confluence district and local actors (eg. museum)
Bearers: Métropole de Lyon
Partners: Charvet Digital Média
Results: Drafting of recommendations in response to the objectives to be achieved
TUBÀ makes the urban evolutions more accessible through cultural and digital education programs. By creating suitable framework for reflections and actions, TUBÀ allows young and old alike to investigate the urban and digital issues of our time. Conferences, round tables, workshops and exhibitions are thus regularly organised inside and outside the walls.
Digital Education Cycle – Free Software: THE answer to the use of our personal data?
Summary: Whether we are aware of it or not, we are creating data when we are surfing on the internet. Those data are collected, enhanced and used, neither with our explicit consent nor our full knowledge about their use. During this cycle of digital education, we wished to inform people about the stakes linked to this data processing:
What are these data? How can they be used? How do we set up our tools to control the transmission of this data? Are there alternative tools?
For this last question, our wish was to highlight free software: the various free tools available, their philosophy but also the notion of effort linked to their appropriation.
Bearers: TUBÀ
Partners: April, Plos-RA,Framasoft, INSA
Results: Workshops, articles, conferences.
Digital Education Cycle – Gender, city and digital
Summary: As the years go by, our cities evolve and modernise and yet gender inequalities seem to be frozen in time. However, digital technologies and cultures could be a great tool to help us become an egalitarian society. Through workshops and roundtables, we started from the current situation, to discover collaborative digital tools to fight against these inequalities, with others committed actors, in order to continue to raise awareness on this subject.
Bearers: TUBÀ
Partners: Agarcia, Option Leader
Results: Animation d’un atelier de “Data visualization” : Vécus et pratiques de la cour de récréation à destination de 30 collégiens
Lecture: “Gender, City and Digital” – “How can the city of tomorrow be a vector of equality between men and women?” in collaboration with Option Leader
Lecture: “Gender, City and Digital” – “Female, male and neutral spaces ” in collaboration with AGarcia
Digital Education Cycle – Press & Medias
Summary: Numbers of authors highlight an institutional and journalistic crisis, in progress for several decades (Rousseau 1996, Bornstein 2011, Amiel 2017), defined by a loss of “confidence capital” (Lapoix, 2014), uncertainty towards traditional forms of authority (Watts & Rothschild, 2017) and a questioning of the social responsibility of the media (Tétu, 2008). Many causes can be put forward, such as ethical problems, a weak evolution of the press, a decline in the quality of content, and the emergence of new technologies and fake news. If the direct consequence would be a decline in readership and advertising revenues (Franklin, 2014), However, it is inevitable to notice the emergence of a multiplicity of new forms of journalism, seeking to counter this crisis and re-credibilise the media. During this cycle, we wanted to highlight this issue, its development since the creation of modern journalism, the different actors involved in this subject and good practices to keep in mind when certifying the veracity of information.
Bearers: TUBÀ
Partners: Tout va bien
– Conference “Le journalisme de solution”
– Workshop “Fake news”
– Exposition “Histoire des médias et du journalisme”
– Articles
Digital Education Cycle – Data and politics
Summary: “Man is a political animal”. if we take Aristotle’s words, man lives better in a “polis” (the Greek city). Man becomes man among the others, by living in a society ruled by laws and customs. The men that we are then have as our purpose and duty to use what we know and the tools that we have in order to optimise our citizen participation. With this antique aspiration, we wished to promote digital initiatives and tools enabling us to ensure our citizen participation.
Bearers: TUBÀ
Partners: #mavoix, urbee, Les bricodeurs, Iboycott
– Table ronde “Civic Tech vers une révolution démocratique ?”
– Animation d’un atelier autour des nouvelles formes de participation citoyenne
– Exposition ouverte à tous : “Evolution historique des techniques de marketing politique” ; “Le formidable essor des civic techs” ; “marketing politique et data : fonctionnement et enjeux” ; “Les datas des élections législatives 2017”
TUBÀ offers a residence space dedicated to young organisations and compagnies, allowing them to develop their project, meet the thematic ecosystem of their subject, test and develop their solutions, etc.
TUBÀ promotes meeting and the pooling of resources (human, material, etc.).
For more information, contact us at contact@tuba-lyon.com and follow us on our social networks.